Early Show 2019
Reults of the raffle:-137 / 591 / 215 / 495 / 521 / 104 / 641 / 139 / 092
Trophy winner and special awards |
Pictures to follow |
The Gardeners Challenge Trophy
Mr G Parsons
The Dave Kilcran Trophy
Class 1
Mr G Parsons
Class 2
The W V Florentine Cup
Mr G Parsons
Class 8
The Stan Addison Memorial Cup
Mr J Howard
Class 9
The Jim Halliday Memorial Cup
Mr I Thompson
Class 10
The Lady Starmer Glass Tankard
Mr G Parsons
Class 12
The Maureen Watson Trophy
Mr J Lawson
Best Exhibit in class 13,15,15
Mr B Stainsby
The A E Alsop Cup
Most oints in novice chrysanthemums
Ms C Daniels
The F Wade Cup
Best Chrysanthemums in show
Mr J Howard
Th Patricia Jackson Memorial Trophy
Best vase of chrysanthemums in Members section
Mr B Stainsby
The N C S Silver Merdal
Exhibit of Most Merit in chrysanthemums
Mr G Parsons
The N C S Bronze Medal
Second Best Sxhibit in Chrysanthemums
Mr B Stainsby
The N C Certificate of Merit
Best Exhibit in Members Scection
Mr B Stainsby
The Winifred Hutton Cup
Class 25
Mr Ian Thonpson
The Sherwood Cup
Class 26
Mr Ian Kitching
The A,S.E Challenge Trophy
Class 34
Mr K Vincent
The Lady Starmer Glass Tankard
Class 47
Mr Ian Kitching
The H Wilson Memorial Cup
Class 55
Mr Ian Kitching
The Elm Ridge Gardens Trophy
Class 56
Mr Ian Kitching
The Mrs M Miller Trophy
Class 57
Mr Ian Kitching
The A E Lawson Trophy
Most points in novice dahlias
Mr D Armstrong
The Northern Despatch Cup
Best vase of dahlias inshow
Mr Ian Kitching
The Alf Watson Memorial Cup
Best vase of dahlias in members section
Mr Ian Kitchin
The J Chapman Pom Pom Trophy
Best vase of Poms in show
Mr K Vincent
The N D S Silver Medal
Best Exhibit of dahlias in show
Mr Ian Kitching
The N D S Bronxe Medal
Second Best Exhibit of dahlias
Mr Ian Kitching